By Team Regulator/ April 29, 2024
Read reviews you can trust from owners, saltwater fishing experts and Regulator fans around the world.
Real Regulator Reviews
“In a stacked ocean, a Regulator is the only center console we would want to be on.”
- Reel Pipes Fishing Team
“Sweet boat, nothing rides like a Regulator!”
“Bow down to that big beautiful bow!”
“Nothing compares to the ride of the 34.”
“We ran offshore (65nm) a couple weeks ago in my 26. Seas were 3ft every 5 seconds. I made 25-27knts the entire way. My buddy’s boat was a 36ft non Regulator; he made 15-knots the entire way. At the end of the day we were talking about what a great day we had, he and his crew were asking for chiropractor recommendations. Moral of the story: don't fish in marginal seas unless it is a Regulator. I have owned the rest now only ride on the best!” - Kevin
“The boat everyone else is trying to be. There is no substitute.” @Reelchaoscharters
“My Regulator 23’s price tag exceeded what I ever imagined I would spend on a boat, but it had a number of things in the plus column that made writing the check much easier. I needed a heavier hull with a deeper vee that would afford me ocean access in a greater range of conditions. The Regulator’s weight and 24 degrees of deadrise filled that need. No more u-turns at the mouth of Manasquan Inlet because conditions outside were too snotty. She is a safe and solid fishing platform.” – Frank S
Real Regulator Reviews
“I got the 34 (39ft overall) and haven't taken spray on her yet.” @Paulpeterson3
“Just want to thank Regulator for the top quality boat it is. And Yamaha’s reliability. I trust my equipment 100%. It’s all about safety - that’s why I own a Regulator.” @Jimgahm
“First year I owned my 26 I got caught in 40 kt winds and 12ft seas 45 miles south of Long Island. Was a slow ride in but wow did the boat handle it.” @Yellowfinii
“Greatest boat maker in America! #regulatorforlife” @Bmteets
“Regulators definitely set the bar years ago. They are still one of the best looking CCs out there no doubt about it!” @Steve_kv89
“Just bought one and this is one great boat #sohappy” @Jamespicarillo
“First class facility and first class people!” - Win
“Beast of a rig!!” @Chakkaz
“The boats are gorgeous, I have an ’05 26 fs and no doubt it will forever be one of the best hulls on the water.” @Gabefarina
“One of the best center consoles…such a nice ride” @Patrick.Scott.583
“I was out on my 29 in the middle of Exuma Sound. Blowing 35kts and 12 foot swells. Regulator ate it right up!” @Sonnyparisi
“Love my 26! She’s got through some sticky situations.” @Southpawreg26
“Incredible Rig!!!! We love our 23 Reg!!! Legendary ride!!!!” @Team_reel_dreams
“Totally wicked” @Jellybean3513
Real Regulator Reviews
“The world's best offshore boats” @84yota
“Dream boat” @Reggiewhite6950
“A true masterpiece! I fish tournaments in less than ideal conditions, while traveling over 140 miles round trip. Without our 23, long runs wouldn’t be feasible and we’d never get a shot at a tournament winning fish.” - Mike
“Most capable 23 ft boat out there.” - Sean
“I have had my 23 for 6 weeks! I have an appointment with the physical therapist to treat strained smile muscles.” - John
“There is hands-down, no better center console out there than a Regulator!!! Love everything about y’all's boats!!” - Samuel
“We love our 28. My youngest even got to catch his first swordfish on it last week. These are amazing boats.” - David
“I love being the smallest boat in a tournament and getting asked at weigh-in ‘you were out there today in those conditions in that boat?’ And I always say ‘Well, yeah…’” - Robert
“Detailed an ‘06 Regulator 26 the other day and the in-deck coffin box could fit at least 4 men. Absolutely insane!” - Deric
“Floating perfection” - Dustin
“What a boat! Got caught where I shouldn’t have been too many times and got home safely.” - John
“The weather in the Northeast is like no other at times. Thank you Regulator for building such a solid platform to get us home safely.” - Eddie
Real Regulator Reviews
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