Regulator 41: Made for Fun
By Team Regulator/ October 01, 2024
Fishing & Fun on the Regulator 41
“The Regulator 41 is a beast of a machine…it’s one heck of a vessel you are going to enjoy.” - kwipp
We had the chance to spend a few days aboard the Regulator 41 down in the Florida Keys following our Regulator Owners’ Rendezvous and got a sweet reminder of why we have loved this boat since its first release.
Our goal was to bring 3 different groups aboard to see what they most appreciated about the boat, how they used it, and where they might want to see changes as we planned our next model year.
The groups were…
Six passionate anglers - which included the owner, his best friend from high school, and four local anglers who just wanted to experience the 41.
Steve, who you see hanging in the tower, only left this spot to grab a drink or make one of the guys. He liked the tower’s roominess, and the vantage point allowed him to flex his fishing knowledge from afar versus being right in the action.
Greg, the owner, never left the helm, always playing DJ and host and saving the fishing for Bahamas runs. His faves at the helm are the stereo system and inductive cell chargers, and as ever, he was pushing for more power.
The local anglers were mostly concerned with the radar, radioing Keys guides and friends to get on the fish. Their biggest raves were about the ride, and they actively debated the fishbox space hould they catch anything...which unfortunately they didn’t.
Two families of friends - a total of 6 adults and 3 kids under 6 years old.
The kids were tower obsessed, climbing up and down and playing captain, then running circles around the console with water gun games. The parents loved the storage and the cabin space - both for its convenience and nap-ability;)
Four high school buddies on summer break who were pumped to call the 41 theirs for an afternoon. After a cruise to their favorite sandbar, the grill came out almost immediately, and while one guy was pumped to fish, the others just wanted to hang. Inventive use of the tower followed, with a cannonball contest and plenty of laughs.
As you search for 40-plus foot center consoles that will allow you to fish the canyons, give the kids the time of their life, and win big with family and friends, you have a lot of great options to consider. As you do, be sure to spend a few hours on board your top picks - poking around and then on a sea trial, not only to feel the ride but to really experience the features you will use and see how they stack up.

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Team Regulator
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